
AI for Science Community

I’m a core organizer in AI for Science Community We are a group of researchers would like to serve the community and lead AI for Science to a better future. Please checkout our AI for Science community

We host workshops and will have first AI for Science conferences. We also write blogs and have slack and WeChat communities.

AI4Sci Education

I think it is equally important to perform the cutting-edge research by myself and to help the growth of next generation of researchers. I’m currently collaborating with PalmDrive Education as a scientic mentor and working closely with talented college students on AI4Sci and/or quantum sciences.

Collaborator needed: I’m keen to explore how to better perform education for AI4Sci. Since I only have science backgrounds, I’m also willing to collaborate with other researchers, esp. ones with education backgrounds, on this topic!

Community: Please also checkout & contribute any ideas the AI4Sci Education org founded by me on GitHub, the corresponding website is AI4Sci Education

Courses/research oppotunity: Any college/high-school students are welcome to work with me on reasonable projects. If you have interests, please contact via PalmDrive Or direct contact me via sherrylixuecheng@gmail.com

Opensource software developments

I’m a contributor to an opensource software, MathTranslate. This is a project to provide translation of scientific papers with heavy math symbols from any language to any language while keeping the math symbols unchanged. More can be found from Jiace’s personal page